What Does Living in Poverty Look Like in America?
January has been officially designated Poverty in America Awareness Month to shine a light on what it means to barely get by on next to nothing. Poverty is something that … Continue reading

You’re Not Alone: Parent-Child Relationships Are Strained By COVID-19
No one could have planned for the Coronavirus pandemic nor could they have predicted it would go on this long. Even with social distancing measures, parents in Florida are looking … Continue reading

How Family Therapy Helps Parents and Kids Alike
In the media, counseling is often portrayed as an individual process. It is something that T.V. characters turn to when they have serious issues or roadblocks in life. While therapy … Continue reading

Why Youth Run Away – National Runaway Prevention Month
November is National Runaway Prevention Month (NRPM), which is an opportunity to shine a light on the vulnerable community of homeless youth within our area. You may not realize it, … Continue reading

Why We Need to Teach Kids and Teens About Healthy Relationships
Kids and teens learn so much during their developmental years. Not only will your child learn basic steps like how to ride a bike or how to brush their teeth, … Continue reading