Internet Resources for Safe Screen Time

Internet Resources for Safe Screen Time

by Lisa Davis, July 27, 2020

When schools closed in the spring of 2020, parents and teachers both knew screen time was going to increase. Not only would students spend more time on the web for virtual learning, but kids would use social media and gaming apps for entertainment while they were away from their peers. … Continue reading

Filled under : Parenting , Resources
St. Pete Pride 2020: How Local Residents Celebrated

St. Pete Pride 2020: How Local Residents Celebrated

by Lisa Davis, June 29, 2020

We were all hopeful that the St. Pete Pride 2020 celebrations would continue this year despite the COVID-19 pandemic; however, its organizers made the tough call to cancel the parade and other public events that occur throughout the month of June.  For so many people, Pride is a time to … Continue reading

Filled under : LGBT
Tagged on : covid-19 , lgbt , pride , st pete
Will There Be a Rise in Runaways Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Why?

Will There Be a Rise in Runaways Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Why?

by Lisa Davis, June 17, 2020

The Coronavirus pandemic has seemingly upended every industry, community, and family. Within a few weeks, stable jobs were lost, schools were closed, checking accounts were drained, and families were left to wait the virus out.  Unfortunately, not all home situations are safe or healthy. For many partners and children, staying … Continue reading

Filled under : Youth Homelessness
How to Talk to Your Kids About Racism – Tools and Resources

How to Talk to Your Kids About Racism – Tools and Resources

by Lisa Davis, June 5, 2020

Parenting is riddled with challenging moments and difficult conversations, from talking about dating to guiding your kids through puberty. However, some parents might not be ready for the questions children ask about race and racism, especially when those questions come from kids under the age of 10.  Today’s kids are … Continue reading

Filled under : Parenting
You’re Not Alone: Parent-Child Relationships Are Strained By COVID-19

You’re Not Alone: Parent-Child Relationships Are Strained By COVID-19

by Lisa Davis, June 1, 2020

No one could have planned for the Coronavirus pandemic nor could they have predicted it would go on this long. Even with social distancing measures, parents in Florida are looking at a summer of staying inside and regularly sanitizing surfaces.  Most parents are doing their best to help their kids … Continue reading

Filled under : Parenting , Resources
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