How to Help Your Teen Develop A Positive Body Image and Self-Esteem
Do you remember the first time you ever thought negatively about yourself? Maybe you looked in the mirror and noticed a facial feature that you don’t like for the first … Continue reading

How to Stop Cyberbullying on Social Media and Online Learning
In March 2020, everything changed when schools closed and students transitioned to online learning. Not only were kids taking classes from their computers, but they were also connecting with friends … Continue reading

How Family Therapy Helps Parents and Kids Alike
In the media, counseling is often portrayed as an individual process. It is something that T.V. characters turn to when they have serious issues or roadblocks in life. While therapy … Continue reading

Why We Need to Teach Kids and Teens About Healthy Relationships
Kids and teens learn so much during their developmental years. Not only will your child learn basic steps like how to ride a bike or how to brush their teeth, … Continue reading

8 Problems Facing Your Child As They Head Back to School
Every year brings new challenges for kids and teens. A kid who had a successful year last year might struggle in the coming months. Summers seem short, but a lot … Continue reading