Call for Items: Help Family Resources Create Hygiene Kits for Homeless Youth

Call for Items: Help Family Resources Create Hygiene Kits for Homeless Youth

by Lisa Davis, January 28, 2019

The Family Resources StreetSafe outreach team is traveling across Pinellas County searching for homeless youth and connecting them with the community organizations they need. From connecting teens to job placement groups to giving them meals to eat, our team is here to help. You can support Family Resources and take steps … Continue reading

Filled under : Youth Homelessness
Introducing the Family Resources StreetSafe Outreach Team

Introducing the Family Resources StreetSafe Outreach Team

by Lisa Davis, January 22, 2019

There’s a new crew in town keeping an eye out for homeless youth in Pinellas County! Family Resources is proud to announce the creation and development of our StreetSafe outreach team, which will travel through the community helping homeless youth who are vulnerable to human trafficking and negative influences like … Continue reading

Why Florida Has Such a High Rate of LGBT Homeless Youth

Why Florida Has Such a High Rate of LGBT Homeless Youth

by Lisa Davis, January 15, 2019

Family Resources has been focused on helping LGBT homeless youth since 1970. We want to create safe places where teens can be themselves and focus on personal development and education in a healthy environment. Oftentimes, people are surprised to learn about the high rates of LGBT homeless youth in Florida … Continue reading

Filled under : LGBT , Youth Homelessness
10 Signs Your Teen is in an Unhealthy Relationship

10 Signs Your Teen is in an Unhealthy Relationship

by Lisa Davis, January 4, 2019

One of the biggest challenges parents face is when their teens start dating. It can seem impossible to get your son or daughter to open up about their new significant other and what their relationship is like. Technology complicates things even further. Now parents have to deal with texting, sexting, … Continue reading

Filled under : Healthy Relationships
Holidays in a Shelter: A Child’s Perspective

Holidays in a Shelter: A Child’s Perspective

by Lisa Davis, December 28, 2018

The presents are unwrapped, the turkey is carved, the carols are sung, and the Christmas season is starting to wind down. We hope you had a warm and welcoming time with your family this past week and look forward to celebrating the new year ahead. We recently heard from one … Continue reading

Filled under : Youth Homelessness
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