8 Healthy Relationship Resources for Teens and Young Adults

8 Healthy Relationship Resources for Teens and Young Adults

by Lisa Davis, April 29, 2019

Nearly half of all women and men have experienced psychological aggression by a romantic partner in their lifetime and 12 million women and men become victims of physical abuse, rape, or stalking by a romantic partner each year. Many relationships start out healthy, with micro-aggressions or problems that don’t seem … Continue reading

Filled under : Healthy Relationships
Psychology Series: What Is Gaslighting?

Psychology Series: What Is Gaslighting?

by Lisa Davis, April 9, 2019

The concept of gaslighting is often thrown around in pop culture, but most people aren’t certain what it means. Some people might know what gaslighting looks like in other relationships but not be able to see it in themselves. Others might understand the definition but not know how to identify … Continue reading

8 Young Adult Books for LGBTQ Teens and Allies

8 Young Adult Books for LGBTQ Teens and Allies

by Lisa Davis, April 2, 2019

We connect through stories. We share our experiences, build bonds with others, and validate our emotions and feelings. LGBTQ youth who are exploring their sexuality often turn to their peers, to media, and to books to feel understood. Fortunately, there has been an explosion in quality young adult books featuring … Continue reading

Filled under : LGBT
10 Reasons to Schedule a Play Date with Your Kids

10 Reasons to Schedule a Play Date with Your Kids

by Lisa Davis, March 25, 2019

You have dozens of items on your to-do list. You feel exhausted after work. Your chores are piling up. But your son or daughter is staring at you with imploring eyes, hoping you will read them a book, share a toy with them, or play a game. You don’t want … Continue reading

Filled under : After-School Programs , Parenting
Raising Awareness During National Safe Place Week 2019

Raising Awareness During National Safe Place Week 2019

by Lisa Davis, March 18, 2019

March 17-23 is recognized as National Safe Place Week, where we raise awareness about the Safe Place program and how it can help the youth in our area. You may have seen the yellow Safe Place stickers around town, at libraries or in community centers, but do you know what … Continue reading

Filled under : Events
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