10 Major Life Changes That Cause Kids to Misbehave
Change is unavoidable in life. However, both good changes and bad changes can cause stress, uncertainty, and confusion until everyone in the family has adapted to these new circumstances. As … Continue reading

8 Problems Facing Your Child As They Head Back to School
Every year brings new challenges for kids and teens. A kid who had a successful year last year might struggle in the coming months. Summers seem short, but a lot … Continue reading

10 Reasons to Schedule a Play Date with Your Kids
You have dozens of items on your to-do list. You feel exhausted after work. Your chores are piling up. But your son or daughter is staring at you with imploring … Continue reading

12 Signs Your Elementary-Age Child Has Anger Issues
Almost every child goes through a phase when they throw temper tantrums. From the “Terrible Twos” to the “stress of a new school,” most parents hope their child will grow … Continue reading